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Tin Can Making Machine Manufacturer Tells How Can Tinplate Is Designed


The type, size and sealing method of metal cans are restricted by can making equipment. At present, many metal containers, especially cans for canned food and materials, have been standardized in size, structure and form. The standardization and standardization of metal containers have also promoted the standardization and standardization of related manufacturing facilities, thereby making the molding and manufacturing of containers relatively simple and easy. Therefore, the structural design of the metal cans is essentially just selecting the cans type, material and decorating design on the outer surface of the cans according to the user’s requirements.

The determination of the can’s structure of all the cans must take into account factors such as packaging requirements and manufacturing costs.

(1)Factors affecting cost, round cans compared with other special-shaped cans, round cans are not only relatively easy to manufacture, but also use less materials. In the capacity phase。

Under the same conditions, a container with a regular hexahedron uses 40% more material than a round cans, but from the perspective of the round lid’s cutting rate, the utilization rate during discharge can only reach about 80%. Therefore, when designing metal cans, from the perspective of saving materials and reducing costs, round cans should be used as much as possible. The special-shaped cans has a unique shape and its cost is more than twice that of the cylindrical cans. It is only used when necessary.

In addition, the production efficiency of the two-piece can production line is higher than that of the three-piece can, but the investment in equipment is much larger than that of the three-piece can. These factors must be taken into account when determining the economic structure of the metal can.

(2)When selecting the can shape, the packaging requirements of the contents should be met,the metal cans should be determined according to the characteristics of the contents and the packaging requirements.

Structure, shape, opening method, sealing form, bottom and cover and side seam structure, etc. Common opening methods are cut-open, roll-open, pull-open, etc., and the sealing forms are air-tight and non-air-tight. Food cans and beverage cans generally require good sealing, and the sealing method can choose a double seaming structure; the opening method: generally the former using a cut-open type, the latter adopts a pull-open type, and the lunch meat is to ensure that the shape of the meat is complete when the can is open. , Mostly take the side unwrapped square can as the packaging container. An important feature of non-food cans is that they can be opened and resealed multiple times.Among them, art cans mainly used for daily necessities and cosmetic packaging, attaching great importance to artistic styling and decoration design; The metal cans mainly used for paints, oils and small packages of some chemical products, pay attention to the performance of the use rather than pay attention to decoration, which requires convenient transportation and a certain strength. The universal can used for tea and candy packaging can be sealed with a lid. The joint between the can body and the can lid does not require a double seaming. In addition, whether to install locking rings on the lid and bottom of the metal cans, whether rolling ring ribs are needed around the can body depends on the specific requirements of the production process and transportation environment. When the standard roll seal structure is selected, the size design and calculation of the roll seal structure can no longer be performed.

In short, when determining the structure of metal cans, factors such as the characteristics of packaging, packaging requirements and cost must be considered.

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